What is Free Trial?
At Synaps Media, you can try our service up to 14 days free, without even need to give Credit Card information. With that, you can safely try out our panel and the experience of hassle-free Ghost hosting.
Free trial has a few limitations:
- Up to 2 Ghost Admin users
- Up to 5 members
- Up to 5 MB of file uploads (for a single file)
You can finish your trial and upgrade to a paid plan whenever you are ready.
What happens when the free trial ends?
If you don’t upgrade to a paid plan after your 14-day free trial, your website will go offline. However, we’ll keep your Ghost panel data for an additional 30 days. During this period, you can restore your website by upgrading to a paid plan. After 30 days, all data associated with your website will be permanently deleted.